
Articles of Corporation
Chapter1 General ruleChapter2 MembershipChapter3 OfficersChapter4 General MeetingChapter5 CouncilChapter6 Board of DirectorsChapter7 Property and AccountingChapter8 Supplement

Permission from Ministry of Science and Technology
Articles of corporation October 23, 1981
Amended April 07, 1988
Amended April 12, 1990
Amended May 30, 1992
Amended June 11, 1998
Amended November 02, 2002
Amended November 08, 2007
Amended November 13, 2008
Amended November 11, 2010
Amended November 05, 2020

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this incorporation is to carry out the necessary business in order to contribute to the promotion and development of academy and technology related to acoustics and the related fields, in accordance with the provisions of the law on the establishment and operation of public incorporations.

Article 2 (Name)

This corporation is called THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF KOREA (ASK).

Article 3 (Location of Office)

The office of this incorporation is established in the Seoul Special City and the branch may be established by the resolution of the board as necessary.

Article 4 (Business)

This incorporation shall carry out the following business to achieve the purpose of Article 1.
1. Academic research presentation, discussion, field trip, and seminar
2. Publication of academic journals, books and technical information magazines
3. Alliances and academic exchanges with related organizations at home and abroad
4. Academic and technical investigation and research
5. Encouragement of research and recognition of outstanding research achievements
6. Research on the establishment of standards and specifications
7. Licensing business for Qualified Acoustic Professional
8. Miscellaneous business necessary to achieve the purpose of this society

Article 5 (Beneficiary of incorporate public interest)

1. The benefit provided to the beneficiary in the performance of the purpose business of the incorporation shall be free of charge. However, if it is unavoidable,
it may be approved by the competent authority in advance and a portion of the consideration may be borne by the beneficiary.                    
2. The benefit provided for purpose of the incorporate business shall not be discriminated by the place of birth, school, work place, occupation or other social status of the beneficiary.

Chapter 2 Membership

Article 6 (Types and Qualifications of Members)

The members of this incorporation shall be the following persons who have been approved by the Board of Directors by submitting an application for membership. However, honorary members and special members shall be recommended by the president and approved by the board of directors upon determination of the board of directors. The qualifications of each member are as follows.
1. Member : Any person who has expertise, skill or experience in the subject or related field of the corporation
2. Associate members : Those who are interested in the academic field covered by this corporation
3. Student Members : Those who are enrolled in universities and equivalent colleges in the field covered by this corporation
4. Special Members : Individuals, corporations, or groups who agree to the purpose of this incorporation and provide financial support
5. Honorary members : Those who have special achievements in the field of this corporation and have great contribution to the development of this incorporation.

Article 7 (Membership Management and Obligations)

All members, excluding honorary members of this corporation, shall have the rights and obligations set forth in this by laws by paying the membership dues. However, Special Members, Associate Members and Student Members may attend and speak at General Meetings, but they do not have the right to vote or have the right to be elected; however, may participate in all other society events and receive all benefits.

Article 8 (Withdrawal of Membership)

Members of this corporation may voluntarily withdraw. However, the procedure of withdrawal shall be determined by the regulations of the incorporation.

Article 9 (Suspension and Expulsion of Members)

If a member of this corporation falls under any one of the followings, the member may be suspended or expelled from membership through resolution of the board of directors.
1. When you are behind in dues for more than one year
2. When you violate the duty as a member of this corporation
3. When the corporation’s honor is impaired or the act is committed against the purpose of the corporation
4. Withdrawal
5. Declared as interdiction or quasi-incompetence
6. Death, disappearance sentence and dissolution of group

Chapter 3 Officers

Article 10 (Types, Qualifications of Officers)

1. We have the following officers in our corporation.
(1) Less than 60 directors (1 president, 1 senior vice president, 10 vice-presidents)
(2) Two auditors
2. Qualifications of officers shall be full membership.

Article 11 (Term of Officer)

(1) The term of office of an officer shall be one year.
(2) When vacancies arise during the term of an officer, representative is elected by the board of directors and the term of the officer shall be the remainder of the predecessor’s term..

Article 12 (Selection and Dismissal of Officers)

An officer shall be elected as follows, and shall be appointed once by the competent authority after it has been approved by the General Assembly.
(1) The president shall be elected by the General Assembly among the candidates nominated by the council.
(2) The senior vice-president and vice-president shall be elected by the council among the councilors and shall be approved by the General Assembly.
(3) Auditors shall be elected by the General Assembly.
(4) Vice-presidents and directors are recommended by the president and are approved by the council.
2. The dismissal of officers before the term of office shall be decided by the resolution of the board of directors and shall be reported to the competent authority.

Article 13 (Duties of Officers)

(1) The president shall represent the corporation and shall supervise the duties of the meeting and shall serve as chairman of the general assembly, the council and the board of directors.
(2) The Senior Vice-President shall become the President’s candidate after the term of office.
(3) Directors shall attend meetings of the board of directors to resolve matters concerning the business of the incorporation, and shall deal with matters delegated by the board of directors or the president.

Article 14 (Appointment of acting president for the President)

(1) When the president is absent or vacant, the senior vice president shall act as the president.
(2) If the senior vice-president is absent or vacant, a senior member from the vice-president shall be the substitute until the acting president is determined.
(3) The board of directors for election of paragraph (2) shall convene by the majority of the board of directors attended, and shall elect the president with the affirmative vote of two-thirds with the senior member presiding the meeting.

Article 15 (Duties of Auditor)

The auditor performs the following duties :
1. Auditing the status of the corporation’s assets
2. To audit the operation and tasks of the board of directors and the council
3. If it is found that there is any illegal or unlawful result in the audit items 1 and 2, request the amendment to the board of directors, the council and the general meeting, and if it is not corrected, report it to the competent authority.
4. To state to the President or to the General Assembly, the councilors and the Board of Directors about matters concerning the financial condition of the incorporation or the operation and tasks of the General Assembly, the council and the board of directors.
5. Signature in the minutes of the General Assembly, the Council and the Board of Directors.
6. Requesting the convening of the General Assembly, the council, or board of directors when necessary to report the items of No. 3.

Article 16 (Honorary President and Advisor)

(1) A few honorary presidents and advisors may be appointed by resolution of the board of directors.
(2) Honorary presidents and advisors may be recommended among persons who has meritoriousness to this incorporation, or who has knowledge and experience in acoustics and related fields, and may be nominated through the resolution of the board of directors.
(3) Honorary presidents and advisors may attend meetings of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors with the invitation of the president and state their opinions.

Chapter 4 General Meeting

Article 17 (Functions of the General Assembly)

The General Assembly shall decide on the following matters.
1. Matters concerning election and approval of officers
2. Matters concerning the amendment and dissolution of the articles of corporation
3. Approvals for Budget and Settlement
4. Approval of Business Plan
5. Other important matters

Article 18 (Convocation of General Assembly)

(1) The general meeting shall be divided into a regular general meeting and an extraordinary general meeting. The regular general meeting shall be held annually, and the extraordinary general meeting shall be convened when it is deemed necessary by the president.
(2) The president shall notify each member in writing (including e-mail) 7 days before the meeting by stating the date, time and place of the meeting.
(3) The General Assembly may decide only on the basis of the notice given in Paragraph (2).

Article 19 (Quorum for the General Meeting)

(1) The General Assembly shall be constituted by one-tenth or more regular members.
(2) The intention of the General Assembly shall be decided by the affirmative vote of the majority of the members present. In case of tie, president shall decide it.
(3) The summary and resolution of the general meeting shall be notified to all members.

Article 20 (Special Provision of General Assembly)

(1) The President shall convene a general meeting within 20 days from the date of the convening if there is a request to convene one of the following :
1. When a majority of the directors require the convening by presenting the purpose of the meeting
2. When an auditor asks for a convocation under Article 15 (6)
3. When a meeting is requested by one-fifth of full members by presenting the purpose of the meeting
(2) When the convener of a general meeting is vacant or avoids convening a general meeting, it may convene a general meeting with the approval of the competent authority with agreement of a majority of the directors or one-fifth of the active members.
(3) The General Assembly under paragraph (2) shall appoint the president of the board of directors with the senior member presiding the meeting.

Article 21 (Grounds for Dismissal of General Meeting)

If the Representative or the member falls under any one of the following subparagraphs, he/she shall not participate in the vote.
1. Matters concerning related to the conduct of officers
2. Items involving the transfer of money and property, which are in conflict with the members themselves and corporations

Chapter 5 Council

Article 22 (Establishment of the council)

We will have a council to properly reflect the members’ intention to operate the meeting and to facilitate the smooth operation of the incorporation.

Article 23 (Functions of the Council)

The functions of the council are as following;
1. Selection of Presidential Candidates
2. Election of senior vice president and vice president
3. To approve business plan, budget settlement plan, change of articles and rules decided by the board of directors

Article 24 (Election process, quorum, and term for council members)

(1) A quorum of a councilor shall not be less than 50 and not more than 100, excluding members and branch managers who have served as presidents, and shall be divided into direct council members and branch council members.
(2) A direct councilor shall be elected by a regular member among active members, and the branch councilor shall be elected from a council composed of direct councilors.
(3) The term of direct councilor shall be two years, and the term of office of councilman shall be one year, leaving the position unfilled in case of vacancy.
(4) The election of the councilor, the timing and other necessary matters shall be governed by the rules of the Association.

Article 25 (Convocation and quorum of the council)

(1) When it is deemed necessary by the president or the board of directors, the council shall transmit a notice specifying the deliberation agenda 7 days before the meeting and the president convenes it.
(2) The representative of the council shall be the president or the councilor appointed by the president.
(3) The council shall consist of the presence of one-third of the total members of the council, and the resolution shall be determined by a majority of the members present. However, the president decides when it is tie.
(4) The auditor may present his/her opinion by attending the council.

Article 26 (Exception of Convocation of Council)

(1) The president shall convene a council within 20 days of the summons if there is a request to convene one of the following subparagraphs :
1. When requesting a meeting by a majority of the Board Members by presenting the purpose of the meeting
2. When an auditor asks for a convocation under Article 15 (6)
(2) If the convener of the council is absent or is unable to convene the council for more than 20 days, convocation may be called with the approval of the competent authority or with the approval of a majority of the council members.
(3) The council under paragraph (2) shall appoint the president of the board of directors with the senior member presiding the meeting.

Chapter 6 Board of Directors

Article 27 (Functions of the Board of Directors)

The Board of Directors shall deliberate and resolve the following matters.
1. Matters concerning business execution
2. Matters concerning the operation of business plan
3. Matters concerning the preparation of the budget statement
4. Items delegated by the General Assembly
5. Items belonging to the authority under this constitution
6. Other important matters

Article 28 (Quorum)

(1) The Board of Directors shall not convene a meeting unless a majority of the total number of directors is present.
(2) The resolution of the board of directors shall be approved with agreement of a majority of the directors. However, in case of tie, the president shall decide.
(3) The honorary president and the former president may present their opinions by attending the board of directors meeting.

Article 29 (Convocation of the Board of Directors)

(1) The Board of Directors meeting shall be held more than twice a year and the chair shall convene the meeting.
(2) In order to convene Board of Directors meeting, he/she shall give written notice to each director specifying his purpose at least seven days before the meeting.
(3) The board of directors may only make decisions on the basis of the notice given in paragraph (2). However, if all of the directors are present and all the directors are in agreement, any matters that are not notified may be presented for consideration and resolved.

Article 30 (Exception for convening the Board of Directors)

(1) The President shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors within 20 days of the date of the convening of the meeting, if there is a request to convene one of the following subparagraphs :
1. When a majority of the directors requests convening the meeting by presenting the purpose of the meeting.
2. When an auditor asks for a convocation under Article 15 (6)
(2) If the convening of the board is impossible for 20 days or more due to directors is vacant or avoidance of convening the board, the board of directors may convene with the approval of the competent authority with agreement of majority of the directors.
(3) The board of directors pursuant to paragraph (2) shall appoint the president of the board of directors with the senior member presiding the meeting.

Article 31 (Prohibition of written resolution)

The proceedings of the board of directors shall not be done by a written resolution.

Chapter 7 Property and Accounting

Article 32 (Finance)

The finance of this incorporation shall be covered by income source as following.
1. Membership fee
2. Donations
3. Other Income

Article 33 (Fiscal Year)

The fiscal year of this incorporation shall be in accordance with the fiscal year of the government.

Article 34 (Revenue Expenditure Budget)

The revenue expenditure budget and business plan of this corporation shall be submitted to the competent authority by the approval of the general assembly one month before the beginning of each fiscal year.

Article 35 (Financial burden on the budget meeting, etc.)

The financial burden of debts or the renunciation of the bonds on the budget meeting shall be approved by the competent authority through the resolution of the general assembly.

Chapter 8 Supplement

Article 36 (Dissemble)

When the corporation is to be dissolved, it shall be approved by the competent authority with the approval of two-thirds of the total membership of the General Assembly.

Article 37 (Imputed property of dissolved incorporation)

Residual property at the time of the dissolution of the incorporation shall be imputed to the country or local government with the permission of competent authority.

Article 38 (Amendment of Articles of corporation)

When this bill intends to amend the articles of incorporation, it shall obtain the resolution of two-thirds of the members present at the general assembly and permitted by supervisory authority.

Article 39 (Enforcement Rules)

Details necessary for the implementation of these Articles of corporation shall be determined separately by resolution of the Board of Directors and the general assembly.

Article 40 (Notices and Methods)

The following matters under the provisions of laws and regulations shall be published in the major daily newspapers.
1. Name of the corporation and change of the office location
2. Dissolution of corporation


Article 41 (Applicable to Customs)Any matters not stipulated in this bylaws shall be subject to customary practices.
Article 42 (Authorization of the competent authority)The articles of association of this conference shall enter into force upon the approval of the competent authority after the approval of the general assembly, but its legal effect shall arise from the date of registration in the court.

The Acoustical Society of Korea |
Tel : 02-556-3513| Tel (Paper publication) : 02-565-1625
Fax : 02-569-9717| Email : ask@ask.or.kr / nonmun@ask.or.kr
[06367] Room 1619, ROSEDALE B/D, 280 Gwangpyeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul ,
Republic of Korea

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